Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Excerpt from the Greatest Command

This is just a part of what there is below, but something God's really been working on me about. First here's the passage.

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” - Matthew 22:34-38

And sometimes our motives betray us.

“If I give all I possess to the poor, and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing” - 1 Corinthians 13:3

So if I went to the street corner, and emptied my wallet to the man with a sign, then got online and transferred my savings to the Salvation Army, and then sold my house and gave the extra to the Red Cross, but did not do it with love, then it was all worthless. If you’re like me, your first thought would be, how is that? How is it that you can give up so much, and yet it does nothing for you? Because of your motives. It doesn’t matter how it looks, or who you give to, it’s the motive inside that counts.

For man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." – 1 Samuel 16:7

To God, our motives are more important than our actions. Take a minute with me to think about your passions. What are you passionate about in your life? Do you look forward to your paycheck, the new episode of a television show, the next football game, time with your spouse, the vacation with your kids? What is it that you dream of during the day?

Now take those things and compare them with how much you look forward to some time alone with God?

Do they even compare?

When’s the last time you heard yourself say, “Honey, I’d like to go to that movie, but I just really want to spend some time in prayer”, or “You go ahead and start the show, but there’s a devotional I want to do”, or even “Can I do the dishes later, I’ve been waiting all day to get into the Word?”

Now think about times when you chose to do the right thing. Why was it that made you make that choice? Is it because you were taught that way? Is it because you want to look like a good Christian in front of others? Or is it because you would do anything for your Lord?

The choices we make, the time we spend, the things we dwell on; they all lead us to what we hold in our heart.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Captain's Log

So this was actually something I wrote for our Journey group(Men's bible study). Our time was about what the Spirit is hear to do for us and letting Him lead you, but in the end it became a little more inclusive of some of our other lessons as well.

Captain’s Log

Today was another long day similar to the rest. I love my crew, I handpicked them and I know their potential, but it was another day of struggle in our journey. The crew is still headstrong, impulsive, impatient, lazy and self-centered. Granted, there are days when some of my crew are wonderful, where they listen to my commands, remember my instructions, and we make good time. It’s those days I get a little glimpse of the crew that I could have. A single unit, working together, smooth and precise like clockwork. But those days seem few and far between. I sometimes wonder if I should head back to dock and pick up a new crew.

You see, there are days when the crew is out and working, but they have their own agenda. I give orders that no one seems to hear, because they’ve turned their eyes and ears to each other, or to the sea. They see the land of desire, but do not trust that I have a better destination in mind. I could force my will upon them, but I know that they must learn to trust me in their hearts, not fear my wrath, or we won’t accomplish what’s ahead. They must find their place in my love and get their desire from that dwelling.

Then there are other days when they remember the orders given yesterday, but don’t stop to hear from me today. So they heard “Go north” yesterday and keep going that direction, when I’ve sent my wind to push them east. They can’t see the reefs of the impulsive that are coming ahead of them. They forget that our course cannot be straight among a world full of dangers, but that we must be ready to change direction on my call.

Other days some of them just don’t even come upon the deck to work. They are lured by complacency, expecting the boat to take them on their way without their jobs. Without their help, the boat is stalled and doesn’t even move. They become so caught up in their own things, they forget they are a part of my crew and we have a job to do.

And then there are the anchors of the world. They find possessions and goods that they love so much more than me that it weighs down the boot and slows our journey. I ask my crew to cut them loose, but they don’t want to admit that their things could be holding our ship still. They enjoy them too much.

It should be so simple. I even sent my son to work along side them for a while as an example, but they so quickly forget. They are caught up in their own worlds, seeking their pleasure and comfort. They can’t seem to realize that I’ve planned the route, I’ve picked the crew, I’ve given the direction, and I’ve provided their power.

To help their journey I’ve provided my spirit to flow through the air. It will fill their sails and drive them in the right direction. Under their own strength they can’t make ground in the seas of this ocean, but my spirit will ease their journey. If they will hear my voice, and feel the direction of my spirit, they can steer themselves into my way, raise their sails and let me do the work. By following my direction, their burden would be easy and light.

I look forward to the day my crew will come together. One day they will learn to trust me completely, to watch for my spirit to move and join along. They will lift the anchor from the cares of this world, steer the rudder into my will, raise the sails of their willingness for action, and I will drive them forward as never before. They will see me move, feel my love, and change the world around them. One day.


Lord, help me remember that you are my captain; that you know the path that lay before me. I must always come before you to seek your direction, and not my own direction or that of others, for we don’t know the way. Reveal to me the direction your Spirit is flowing, the actions you are involved in, and I will lay aside the cares of the world that hold me back, and move forward into your will. I’m tired of fighting so hard to try to do what I think is right and yet keep my own desires at the same time. To split my allegiance is to invite issues. No. I choose you. I choose your ways. I know if I want to leave this world changed, I can only do that through following you, moving filled with your Spirit, and showing your love.