Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Worry-Free Life

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Phillipians 4:6-7

Ran across this verse in my Bible reading a week or so back.  As often happens, I seemed to get stuck here.  I found myself reading these verses I knew so well, trying to move on, but unable to shake that feeling that I'm overlooking something.  Perhaps I hadn't given credit where it's due.  When you have that sort of feeling, don't give up.  Stick with it.  Around the 2nd or 3rd day of mulling over these verses, it finally worked its way out.

Be anxious for nothing.

We read that and think, that's a good idea.  I should stop worrying about things as much.  God will take care of it.  I need to try and trust God more.

At least that's what I told myself other times.  This time I caught that fourth word: nothing.  I glanced at it in the greek just to be sure... sure enough, it means nothing.  So I should not worry about ANYTHING.  Well, that's a different story.   I, of course, have no idea how to pull that off.  Luckily, I can at least read... so let's continue on.

in everything by prayer ... let your requests be made known to God

So in everything I do, I should take it before the Lord in prayer and supplication ( that means talk to Him about it and ask for help ), letting Him know my requests.  I have been concerned lately that God might tire of hearing me just coming to Him to ask for help.  I worry that I treat Him too much like a grocery store.  These verses seem to tell me to bring all my requests to Him.  That the key to becoming free from worry is to bring it before God.  

Now, I'm sure all of you just like me have brought prayers to God, then gone straight back to worrying about whatever our issue is.  This verse tells us that we didn't do that right then.  If we bring our requests to God correctly, we won't be anxious.  How can we know we've done this well?  You guessed right, keep reading the verse.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds.

When you've taken your worries to God, handed them over knowing that your Father cares for you and will help, you will be filled with His peace in that situation.  It's a peace that perhaps doesn't make sense in your circumstance ( beyond comprehension ).  It's a peace that watches over your heart and mind.  

Let's put it all together.  

Want to be free from worry?  Then every time you find yourself anxious or worrying about something, step aside.  Take that worry before the Lord on your knees.  Spend time discussing it with Him, talk through options, and give it up to Him.  Listen for any advice He has.  Then, move on with your life.  Know that God will work it out.  Keep at this until you feel that peace that tells you your God is so much bigger than this.  That peace that lets you walk with a smile through the valley of the shadow of death.

God has promised to give us that peace.  All you need to do is apply this process, and find your life free from worry.

Of course, it won't be easy to overcome a lifetime of habit, but imagine being able to walk your day in peace.  What a wonder that would be.