Sunday, January 8, 2012

Do angels crack jokes?

First of all I need to start with a little background here...  I'm convinced that God is hilarious.  If you think about it, there's a lot of humor in this world and it had to have come from somewhere.  Too often we portray God as completely serious but I believe it's much more.  You know when you're having a conversation with someone, and they make one of those comments to you that's so well-timed, so funny, that you can't even respond back.  My wife has done that to me multiple times where it's so funny I can't even try to respond lest I ruin the moment.  God's done it to me as well.  Think about it, who could have better timing than Him.  Several times I've been having conversations with Him, only to suddenly have the perfect comeback just appear in my head at just the right time.  I'm sorry, I'm just not that funny for some of the lines that's come to me.

Now, fast-forward to today.  Olive(my daughter) has had a tough day.  She's 20 months old, she's woken up multiple times coughing and crying, she's been grumpy, not eaten well, spit up, and overall just had a rough afternoon and night.  As we're getting ready for bed I have her on the changing pad, she's in her diaper and laying there, then suddenly she just starts laughing.  I wasn't touching her, wasn't talking, wasn't making any faces, she just laughed.  I watch her face, and she's looking up at the ceiling, her eyes track back and forth, and then she laughs again.  There's no fan on in the room, nothing on the ceiling, I'm not moving, and she continues to watch something up there, and then start laughing like it's the funniest thing ever.  This continued for about 2-3 minutes.  I attempted to take a video of this, and here it is...

Apparently I put my finger over the mike for part of it, so the video loses sound, but watch how she's not looking at me most of the time she's laughing.

So the question is, do angels crack jokes.  Otherwise, I haven't given her near enough credit for her imagination.

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